Friday 21 June 2013

six hours in belgrade

Since our first attempt at sleeping in an airport in Norway turned into a lovely couch surfing experience, we decided to give it another go. This time we were flying from Athens to Dubrovnik with a horrendous 20 hours stop- over in Belgrade, the capital Serbia. The actual flight itself was only 2 hours! It seemed a little ridiculous, but we were prepared anyway.

Like good little backpackers, we decided to get our luggage transferred and spend the night checking out Belgrade city. We met a pretty cool Aussie guy, Jason at the airport in Athens who had the same stop-over, so we ended up hanging out with him. Luckily the bus was pretty easy and cheap from the airport. It dropped us right in town.

Mai and I only took the equivalent of 20 euro with us and we didn’t even manage to spend it all! I did my research on a website called Spotted By Locals (another one of my favourite travel resources) and found some places to go. We had a few beers at the Federal Association of Globe Trotters, an almost secret downstairs atrium club concealed in a patio with a skylight window, worshipped by the Belgrade artistic community. We also went to a pace called Little Bay and although it wasn’t traditionally Serbian, it was still fantastic. We had a starter, main and a few drinks for less than 10 euro. The place inside was stunning  like a theatre with traditional balconies that overlooked the restaurant and we were lucky enough to have live music playing that night with a pianist an amazing opera style singer.

We headed back to the airport after midnight and found a comfy booth/couch that was part of one of the cafes. Mind you, we got kicked off early in the morning but at least we had a decent amount of sleep! It was the best ‘sleeping in airports’ experience, ever.

Belgrade was a gem of a place and little did we know that it is so famous for its teeming nightlife! If I had known how many funky bars and clubs there were and how cheap Serbia was in general, we would have made it a proper stop on our itinerary. I would totally recommend checking it out before it becomes a part of the tourist trail.

check out and

Apologies for the text-only post!

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